
S. Jakob Church in Söles near Glurns

General description

The earliest mentions date back to 1220 and 1249. In 1499 the church was set on fire after the Battle of the Calven and was rebuilt as a Gothic church in 1570/1580. Excavations brought to light surprising results in the form of a predecessor church from the 6th/7th and 8th centuries. The patrocinium, however, points to the 9th century. Furthermore, parts of frescoes from the time before the first mentioning of the church were found, which turned out to be picture decorations of the Romanesque predecessor church and are of excellent artistic quality.

Open only for guided tours in german language on request (+39 0473 831097).

Description to arrive at destination
The church of St. Jakob can only be reached on foot. From the town of Glurns, follow the Sölesweg until you reach the church.

Parking is available in front of the Malser Turm, the Schludernser Tor or in the Florastraße opposite the municipality of Glurns.

Public transport

Glurns can be reached with the Citybus (274) from Mals or with the Postbus (811). Another option is to take the Vinschgau train from Merano or Mals. Take the train to Schluderns and then the city bus (274) to Glurns.

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