
Circular hike in Val Mazia

General description

Circular hike in the rustic Matscher valley with the possibility to stop at the Matscheralm.
The trail starts at the parking lot under the Almhotel Glieshof and goes about 20 m out of the valley, then a forest road turns off to the right. After about half an hour of walking, you can already see the Matscheralm (2,045m) on the left. The last few hundred meters are a bit steep, but once you have reached the Matscheralm, you can enjoy the unique mountain panorama in the Matschertal valley and perhaps spot some game. The way back starts behind the alp, follow the signs, via the Vinschger Höhenweg to the "Eisawiesen". Continue to the Thaneihöfe farms and back down the valley to the starting point.

Status open
Duur 3:00 h
Lengte 6,8 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 373 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 386 hm
Hoogtemeter 2180 m
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Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
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