
Nature experience trail in the Schludernser Au

General description
An oversized bird's nest is inviting, as is a flood model and other highlights.

Experiments can be carried out on site and research questions solved at 19 stations on various nature-related topics. The nature experience trail is just as suitable for families as it is for school classes, groups and guests. Everything is signposted in German and Italian.

From "How old was this tree?" to "What local materials can you recognise at this station?", there is something for young and old explorers alike. And the answer "I don't know that yet" is okay! What researcher knows everything straight away? Perhaps the next visit to the Schludernser Au forest or the one after that will shed some light...

A lovingly designed research booklet is used to write down the research results and to continue researching next time. The booklet will be available from spring 2024 at the Schluderns and Mals information offices and can also be found in a special box at the entrance to the nature experience trail  in the Schludernser Au. The research booklet is available in German and Italian.

There is also a RESEARCH BACKPACK for the nature experience trail in the Schludernser Au, which can be borrowed from the Schluderns and Mals information offices from spring 2024 for a deposit. With the 12 aids and tools from the backpack, the tasks are even easier to solve. With a stethoscope, metre stick and beaker magnifier etc., researching in a team is even more fun. There are also plenty of research backpacks for school classes or groups.
Route description
The trail starts at the sports field in Schluderns and leads back to the starting point after this eventful circular route.
Status open
Duur 0:38 h
Lengte 2,507 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 15 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 15 hm
Hoogtemeter 903 m
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