
Beerennaschweg trail

General description

The berry bear trail with wooden sculptures and information boards for children and adults on the Schludernser Berg mountain.

Route description

The family hike starts at the information office in Schluderns/ Sluderno, past the Castle Coira in the direction of the Schludernser Höfe farms along the trail no. 20 to Schlorenthof farm. Follow the asphalted road and the berry bear path begins at the wooden bear sculpture. Along the way there are several shrubs, the eatable berries are marked with a red ribbon and are welcome to be tasted. At the end of the berry bear trail follow the signs Sonnensteig trail to the junction and the Grossfeldweg path no. 22 in direction to Schluderns/ Sluderno back to the starting point. Alternatively, you can also drive up to the Birkenhof farm and explore the berry bear trail.
Refreshments: in the restaurants in Schluderns/ Sluderno, Birkenhof farm with a playground

Duur 1:00 h
Lengte 1,9 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 297 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 0 hm
Hoogtemeter 1223 m
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