

General description

An easily accessible three-thousand-metre peak in the Matscher Valley that offers views in all directions.

Route description

From the car park below the Almhotel Glieshof, walk up to the aforementioned hotel. At the signpost tree above the hotel, follow trail no. 9 past the turnoff into the Ramudel valley. Climbing northwards, you then reach the Upital. The valley floor becomes flatter here and leads to a wooden bridge that you have to cross. You then pass the St. Andrew's cross into the valley until you reach the rustic Upi Alm. From the alpine pasture, follow the path straight to the left of the stream into the valley. The trail then leads through a stream gorge onto the next step. You then follow the trail a few metres to the west and then up a wide ridge in hairpin bends. The trail then leads slightly uphill to the south to Lake Upi. To the left of the lake is a broad, long ridge that curves left into the wide basin between Upi Kopf and Hochalt. There, turn left towards a clearly recognisable steep scree slope, over which the mountain trail leads in steep bends out to the broad southern ridge of the Upikopf. On the broad ridge, you then climb up over several terrain steps, briefly over boulder terrain, to reach the spacious summit plateau of the Upikopf. There you can enjoy the view next to a beautiful summit cross.

Total walking time: approx. 4h

Refreshments: Almhotel Glieshof

State open
Duur 4:16 h
Lengte 6,849 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1367 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 13 hm
Hoogtemeter 3173 m
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