
To the Tellakopf

General description
Summit tour with picturesque panorama - views deep into Avingatal valley, Arundatal valley and Müstairtal valley.
Route description

The hike starts at the farm Egghof (1,723 m - not open to the public) above Tubre/Taufers, and can be reached via the Tella-Höfestraße street. Hiking to the north-west slightly uphill on the new forestry trail up to Tellaalm alpine pasture (2,098 m). Continue on the well signposted trail no. 6 over gentle alpine slopes at the tree line in a northern direction to the Tellajoch pass (2,358 m). From the pass, turn right along the ridge on easy terrain to the summit Tellakopf (2,527 m). The descent is on the same way back to the starting point.

Refreshments: in the restaurants in Tubre in Val Monastero/Taufers im Münstertal

Duur 2:29 h
Lengte 4,119 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 791 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 0 hm
Hoogtemeter 2526 m
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Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
Van eenvoudige panoramawandelingen tot hoogalpine bergtochten: het uitgebreide net aan wandelpaden in het Vinschgau is net zo afwisselend als de vakantieregio zelf.
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