
Circular hike to the Saldursee lakes

General description

Demanding but worthwhile high mountain hiking tour to South Tyrol’s highest lake plateau with an awe-inspiring mountain scenery.

Route description

The circular hike starts at the car park at the Glieshöfe farms (1,824 m) at the end of the Matschertal valley. Trail no. 1 runs past Innere Matscheralm alpine pasture (2,022 m) and the last piece leads to the lake area via trail no. 4, where the hike reaches its highest point on 3,020 m. Turning left on to trail no. 1, the hike descends to the refuge Oberetteshütte and back to the Glieshöfe farms.

Refreshments: AVS refuge Oberettes with overnight accommodation, Matscheralm, in the restaurants in Mazia/Matsch

Duur 7:00 h
Lengte 15,2 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1251 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1250 hm
Hoogtemeter 3007 m
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Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
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