
360° Alta Val Venosta: Slingia/Schlinig - Prämajur (Valley station Watles)

General description

Along alpine meadows to the waterfall below the alpine hut Sesvenna leads the first part of the ninth stage of the circular hiking trail 360° Upper Vinschgau Valley. It continues on the high mountain trail to the mountain restaurant Plantapatsch and along the “Almenweg” path to Prämajur.

Route description
The ninth stage of the 360° Obervinschgau starts in Schlinig and ends in Prämajur. The tour starts at the end of the village at the cross-country skiing center and leads along the stream to the Schliniger Alm. Following the signs, the hike continues to the foot of the "Schwarze Wand" with an impressive waterfall. Then steeply up to the old Pforzheimer hut and the AVS Sesvennahütte. From there via the magnificent panoramic trail no. 8 to the Plantapatsch hut. To finish the 360° circular trail, go past the Höfer Alm and down to the Watles valley station (Prämajur).

Tip: You can also use the chairlift or the Watles Rider for the last part of the tour down to the valley station.

Refreshment stops:
- Schliniger Alm
- Refuge Sesvenna
- Plantapatsch hut
- Höferalm
- Restaurants in Prämajur
Description to arrive at destination
Bus to Schlinig: Nr. 277
Bus from Prämajur: Nr. 277
State open
Duration 5:30 h
Length 14.5 km
Difficulty medium
Difference in height uphill 627 hm
Difference in height downhill 637 hm
Difference in height 2354 m
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